Monday, January 14, 2013

Boost the Efficiency of Your Home Security with Dual Detectors

When it comes to home security needs, there are several types of security arrangements that can provide protection to your home and loved ones, based on your specific requirements and budget. If you are looking for a complete security arrangement then you may consider installing security alarms along with motion sensors that can detect any kind of unusual movement inside the property and thus keep the home intruders away.

In order to ensure that your security arrangement is foolproof, you may need to include motion detectors sensors along with the alarm systems. A motion sensor is a device that constitutes a mechanism that is capable of identifying any type of unusual physical motion and quickly alerts you. The electronic motion detector is made up of a motion sensor that enables you to detect any movement and convert it into electronic signal.

These motion sensors or detectors are usually capable of detecting any movement up to a range of 50 feet or 15 meters. In the modern times, the motion detectors constitute of an arrangement of several technologies and so they are often referred to as the ‘dual technology detector’. These detectors not only provide protection to the house by identifying any unusual movements, but they also help avoid setting-off false alarms.

Many times false alarm may set off due to some technical or electrical failures, causing nuisance to the people living inside the house and also to the neighbors. These false alarms may be set off by silly reasons such as pet movements, wind blown fragments, insects, foliage, or lightening. In some areas, false alarms may invite unwanted troubles and you may even have to pay fines to the authorities.

Thus, installing a dual technology detector will ensure that the alarms are not set off for silly reasons and the security system is able to identify the intruders or invaders more appropriately. The common type of dual detectors available in the market is composed of PIR (Passive Infrared) and microwave motion detector.

You may find several versions of these home security motion detectors in the form of pet friendly sensors, door/ window sensors and so on. Thus, if you have pets in your home then you may need to install the detector to make your security arrangement pet immune and avoid setting off the alarm by their movement inside the house.

There are some dual technology detectors that may be used to start a video recoding if the motion sensors detect any type of event or activity that seems unusual. Thus, security systems with dual detectors can help improve the efficiency of the security system to provide utmost protection to your home and avoid any lapses in identifying the home intruders. 

Find out more about  Dual Detectors:


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