Thursday, August 18, 2011

Components of an Intrusion Alarm System

Imagine this scenario. You work in the hospital and have to regularly work late hours. Your wife at these times is alone in the house. Or, your job demands frequent night shifts and when you are away; your aged mother is all alone in the house. Though your neighborhood is safe, yet you still feel jittery, leaving them alone and unguarded. Your mother may assure you that she is light sleeper or wife may declare that she always bolts the doors and windows after you leave, but why take a chance. Install an intrusion alarm as an added measure of safety and your peace of mind.

Intrusion alarm is one of the most widely used home security products and can sense unauthorized entry into a building and sound a warning. It is also popularly known as a burglar alarm and comprises a range of sensors that are sensitive to even the slightest of movements, a control panel and a signaling device.

Sensors or Detecting Devices in Home Security Alarm Systems

These sensors work in different ways. They may detect the presence of intruders through passive infrared motion detectors, electric or magnetic fields, vibration, ultrasound rays, or microwave signals. Glass break detectors are used for protecting the internal perimeter of a building. These are placed near glass panes and activate alarms after detecting the sound of glass breaking. An intrusion alarm may also be connected with a seismic glass break detector that is placed on the pane and detect the shock frequencies that are generated when glass breaks or shatters. 

An intrusion alarm monitoring system may also be fitted with contact switches that are installed on doors and windows and activate the alarm when they detect the door or window being opened or closed.

The sensor or the detection device may be connected to a control panel or may communicate with the alarm system wirelessly.

Home security alarm systems have made rapid technological advances in recent years and these days an intrusion alarm may even be connected to a close-circuit surveillance television that can record suspicious movements and send out signals to activate an alarm. There are even more sophisticated systems with connections to control boxes that operate electrically locked doors.

Signaling Devices in Home Security Products

The signaling device in such home security alarm systems may be of two kinds—audible and visible. The former type consists of bells, electrically-operated sirens, and voice announcement systems, while the latter consists of blinking and/or revolving lights and electronic strobe lights. These devices are usually installed both inside and outside a building.

When the lives of your near and dear ones are in peril, it is wise to invest in a quality intrusion alarm system and while buying one, ensure that the before-mentioned components of the systems are working properly and in sync .

Looking for intrusion Alarm Systems?

Intrusion Alarm - Secure Your Home From Intruders

To each one of us, our home is very important. It our haven and therefore it’s very essential to protect this haven and its inhabitants from burglars. With today’s advanced home security products, we don’t any longer need to worry a lot about our home security. There are many kinds of home security systems available in the market, which can provide safety to our homes and properties. Here we would discuss about intrusion alarm, which is a type of home security product.  

What is the Intrusion Alarm System?

Intrusion alarm, which is also known as burglar alarms, is one of the most familiar forms of home security alarm systems. It detects and alerts the occupants of a home of any intrusion through any of the exit or entry point. Intrusion Alarm uses several types of sensors, control panels, window and door contacts which detects unauthorized entry or break-in into the home or property. The alarm detects the presence of an intruder through a siren alert. It is also helpful to detect the movement of the trespasser inside the protected area. 

Features of an intrusion alarm systems

The intrusion alarm system includes features like:

  • Intruder Panel- This part of the home security alarm systems provides facilities like exterior lighting control and improved fire detection.
  • LPG Gas Leak Detector- The “semiconductor sensor technology” of this system helps to detect the consequences and explosions of gas leakages. 
  • Emergency Panic Button- Panic button offers acoustic or visual signaling and helps the old or sick people to contact with the care takers during any emergency.
  • Communicator (Auto Dialer) - This system is pre programmed to make automatic calls to four pre set numbers such as the owner’s, the Central Monitoring System’s. 
  • Smoke Detector- This part offers the earliest warning of fire detection
  • Glass Break Detectors- This part triggers an alarm when the sound of a breaking glass is sensed.
  • Vibration Detectors- The solid detectors and the sensitivity links of these vibration detectors provide blinking LED indication which act like deterrents and also controls the sensitivity.
  • PIR(Passive Infra Red) Movement Detectors- This part consists of some high end technologies which helps to detect the most resolute intruder, as well as minimizes the chance of  any problematic alarm due to environmental or fluorescent conditions.
  • Magnetic Door Contact- This part detects intruders through the use of a reed switch device and a magnet.

Thus, the intrusion alarm provides you an improved security while reducing the cost of security manpower: